Monday, April 6, 2009

Corruption in Panama and Human Rights Abuse of Richard Lehman

Dear Senator Martinez:

I am writing you regarding a serious foreign relation matter regarding the Republic of Panama and the corruption of its legal system and regular and organized abuse of US Citizens and their Civil and human rights.

I am one of many Colorado businessmen (and a number of CO Corporations and LLC’s) who have been actively doing business in Panama for the past 3 years. During that time, I have witnessed first-hand the extend of the corruption of the Panama legal system, and the systematic robbing of US and Canadian investors (both professionals and retiree’s) by cabals of Panamanian attorney’s, prosecutors, law enforcement officials and other government officials - all the way to the Supreme Court.

The most public example of this is in the case of a US Citizen, Richard Lehman, a Florida attorney who has been for 2 1/2 years attempting to prevent one of the Panamanian oligarchy’s from stealing the large estate of Wilson Lucom, a past advisor to the US Secretary of State. The Panamanian government/authorities have relentlessly abused the civil and human rights of Mr. Lehman as he tried to protect the Lucom state, which has been valued at between $50M and $150M—the majority of which Mr. Lucom left in his Will for the poor children of Panama. . .READ this entire letter to local state senator

You can see the full litany of false charges, false arrests, assaults on the Civil and Human Rights of this US citizen in the documents filed with the Organization of American States, at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like corruption is on both sides of the fence. Read about the murder of Franklin Brewster and the cover up of the DEA, FBI and the US Embassy in Panama